25 years eye square Memex
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12.09.2024 Save the date!

eye square celebrates

25 MEGA-Years!

A Memex Conference for a special anniversary

After a spectacular 2023 with Memex conferences in Berlin and New York, new shores await. Come celebrate with us at our 25 Years eye square Memex conference on September 12th, as we host a special jubilee event to commemorate our 25 years of working together to unravel the Human Experience. Remember to save the date for an extraordinary celebration of our journey and the meaningful moments we’ve shared with our incredible community.


Stay tuned!

eye square celebrates

25 MEGA-Years!

A Memex Conference for a special anniversary

After a spectacular 2023 with Memex conferences in Berlin and New York, new shores await. Come celebrate with us at our 25 Years eye square Memex conference on September 12th, as we host a special jubilee event to commemorate our 25 years of working together to unravel the Human Experience. Remember to save the date for an extraordinary celebration of our journey and the meaningful moments we’ve shared with our incredible community.


Stay tuned!

What is the Memex Conference?

Memex Berlin Conference  is the leading conference for the harmony between man and machine. In a synthesis of tech, science and art – for a better  understanding of the human experience comes,  to change the digital to the people! And this year we will celebrate eye square’s 25 years of Human Experience

Our programm will follow shortly!

25 years forward

In this year’s MEMEX, we want to get a deeper understanding of the human experience and its decisive impact on the next 25 years of man machine interactions.


In 1945, Vannevar Bush wrote: “A memex is a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory. “We especially want to understand now how perception, emotions, and implicit and explicit representation, will be addressed by advanced research methodology and how this will impact the modulation essential of human desires, hence the bizz and the art processes.


In other words, we would like to address the questions of the beauty of the surrounding technology landscape, its impact on providing good things, and especially with the upcoming introduction of AI and more probabilistic technologies, how this can be translated into concepts of trust and truth. If we think of Bush’s theoretical specification for a machine that supports communication and the optimization of memories in different media — optical, acoustic, tactile – to what extent do today’s AI models meet this requirement? Are they actually able to support our thinking (as we may think, as Bush supposed), our creativity, our entire experience?


Almost 80 years after the programmatic essay, 25 years after the founding of eye square, we see how the senses, the feelings  the knowledge of people are actually becoming the center of product design and advertising development, how it is no longer just a matter of achieving short-term success, but of bringing in human experience qualitatively. We want to look at this, especially at our Jubilee MEMEX, which is reminiscent of Vannevar Bush’s specifications in its name.

Stay tuned for more details on our program!


Open doors & breakfast
Carina de Lopez
VP User Experience & Partner
Dr. Friedrich Jacobi
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) & Partner


Michael Schiessl
CEO & Founder, eye square
Hartmut Scheffler
Berater für Marktforschung und Markenführung
Jürgen Schulz
Dirk Steffen
Steffen Schmidt
Julia Nitschke
eye square
Friedrich Jacobi
eye square

Stay tuned for the complete program!


Graham Page
Global Managing Director & Media analytics, Affectiva
Reach vs Relevance:
Measuring the right kind of attention!


Coffee Break

Get your 25 Years eye square Memex Conference ticket!

Join us in Berlin!

eye square GmbH
Schlesische Straße 29-30 D
10997 Berlin


Price: 350€


Included in the price:
Inclusive catering, boat ride, & festive vibes

Join us online!

We will be streaming the entire event live via LinkedIn!


As an audience member, your voice will not only be heard, but you will be able to participate in different ways.


Digital seats are limited – so register soon!

Get your 25 Years eye square Memex Conference ticket!

Join us in Berlin!

eye square GmbH
Schlesische Straße 29-30 D
10997 Berlin


Price: 350€


Included in the price:
Inclusive catering, boat ride, & festive vibes

Join us online!

We will be streaming the entire event live via LinkedIn!


As an audience member, your voice will not only be heard, but you will be able to participate in different ways.


Digital seats are limited – so register soon!

Human Experience Family Night

Stay tuned for the program!

Join us for another exciting event hosted by eye square after the closing of Memex Berlin 2024. As part of the Human Experience Family, we’re thrilled to present an additional event featuring captivating talks by industry experts.


Human Experience Family is a catalyzer for mega and meta steps to increase Human Experiences by synchronizing code, creativity and commerce. The human experience family provides intellectual and monetary biz investments, academic and intellectual exchange and free training and education, networking, and funding tips and decades of wisdom.


Stay tuned for the program details and registration information coming soon. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of insights and knowledge like never before.

Impressions from the last Memex Conference 2023 in Berlin