Memex Germany 2023 | eye square
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Berlin, Germany | September 14, 2023 Technology Psychology Art Research UX Perception Thank you

In the center of Berlin, Memex Berlin 2023, the first conference combining science, technology, and art, celebrated its tenth anniversary. In the company’s own art hall in Kreuzberg, a record lineup of 11 fast-paced stand-up talks, presentations, and even an AI-driven Avatar of eye square CEO Michael Schiessl made an appearance.


The more than 100 attendees received fundamental insights on attention in various media channels), as well as on creating and measuring meaningful attention, from market research industry leaders like Dirk Ziems (concept m) or Graham Page (Affectiva) to media experts like Olaf Schlesinger (Screenforce). Experts in communications and advertising, like Cristina de Balanzo (Walnut Unlimited) and Kevin Sugrue (Dynanata), gave the audience valuable insights into how to create more effective advertisements and properly launch new products. Dr. Steffen Schmidt (Link Marketing) and Philipp von Hilgers (DoubleVerify) provided insightful information and data on specific price and external cost internalization concerns, such as the effects of digital services on the environment. The three digital experts from eye square, Dr. Julia Nitschke, Lisa Wiese, and Nuria Sichalla, concluded by offering insightful information and analysis about the newest developments in the relationship between humans and machines, including artificial intelligence, TikTok, and the overall effects these technologies have on the significance of communication, media, and the human experience.


Memex Berlin 2023 gave proof that the additional aspect and analysis of meaning – besides sheer biometric and technological attention – is a must for everyone competing for this very attention in the digital marketplace or the shelf. Meaning fulfills a desire – and it is this desire that must be identified and addressed at the right moment in the right context. Companies like eye square and its partners strive to provide the tools and concepts for analyzing these meaningful moments from the instant of perception all the way through emotions and reasons to actions. After a spectacular 2023 with Memex conferences in Berlin and New York, new shores await so stay tuned and join us for Memex Conference 2024!

Recordings of presentations

AR Presentation:
Meaningful Attention
Lisa Wiese
Lisa Wiese
How to design for Meaningful Human Experiences
Reach vs Relevance:
Measuring the right kind of attention!
Mapping the Impact
– Der Einfluss von Kontext und Kreation auf die Werbewirkung
Meaningful Attention In Advertising
Speaker_Portrait_Philipp _von_Hilgers_Memex_Conference_2023_eye_square
Speaker_Portrait_Philipp _von_Hilgers_Memex_Conference_2023_eye_square
Ads with Impact and Low Carbon Footprint
Let’s Talk About the Elephant in the Brain:
How Brands Can Tackle Diversity in Their Communications
Brand Meets Wallet:
The Art of Pricing through AI-based Branding
The message’s spin is determined by the medium:
The dos and don’ts of marketing communication between media channels
The eye square AIX Lab &
How humans experience the interaction with AI
Fast, Faster, Tik Tok
What experience does the platform offer and how does advertising work?

Memex Berlin Conference  is the leading conference for the harmony between man and machine. In a synthesis of tech, science and art – for a better  understanding of the human experience comes,  to change the digital to the people!

Impressions from Memex Conference 2023 in Berlin